Internet Medical Gas Manager Network

ETHERNET Interface

real-time information

Medical Gas Master Panel

real-time information

Medical Gas Alarm Zone


  • Select the link, once you will be redirected to the external HTTP adress, enter your username and password to access.
  • In the menu navigation you have a view of your medical gas piping system, there, you can have access to the event-alarm history files on real time, as well you can make download of PDF files.
  • If you did NOT acquire the license rights, the system will not allow the access.

Internet Access link to the Medical Gas Alarm Manager System.

Previously, in a 10" display Medical gas panel alarm´s groups Interlinked with the SERIE 2 model Medical gas master panel and the Arigmed´s ethernet interface, also a high quality fix internet data transmission.

Annual license must be required, our staff will assign a username and password access, your email adress will be automatically registered in the system that can you receive email-alerts of events in the medical gas system piping network.


Internet Alarm Netrwork

            • In SERIAL connect 10" display panel alarms groups.
            • CAT6 UTP (Unshield Twisted Pair) data wire will be used.
            • Connect the SERIE 2 ARIGMED´S master panel with the 10" display alarms groups to view normal and alarm events also surveillance of pressures and vacuum of each gas and vacuum module on each alarm connected.
            • Connect the SERIE 2 master panel with the ARIGMED ETHERNET device to a wire internet signal with good quality and strength data transmission.
            • Access the HTTP arigmed surveillance module web site to status medical gas network from any device connected to the Internet.

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